Web Exclusive: Flagstaff Business News interview with Chris Williams. Hunting season is underway in Northern Arizona. FBN had the opportunity to speak with Chris Williams, owner of Trapper's Den in Lakeside. He's lived in the area for about 30 years, working in the taxidermy trade since before then. Williams describes the economic impact of hunting as a big deal for Northern Arizona. FBN: How did your career in taxidermy begin? Williams: 30 years ago I moved up here and went to work … [Read more...] about Arizona’s Hunting Season Creating Economic Influx
Refinancing While Under Water
In many cases, you can lower your interest rate even if you owe more on your home than it's worth. As low as they may be, I still don't think jumping into an adjustable rate mortgage makes sense. But, getting a six-percent rate or even a high-five-percent rate down into the four percent range DOES make sense. Don't let the fact that your home is "underwater" hold you back from exploring the possibility. Do your calculations carefully. No doubt you will be adding … [Read more...] about Refinancing While Under Water
ADOT Recognized for Long Range Planning
It began with the catch phrase “What Moves You Arizona,” and launched into a multimedia campaign to encourage statewide public participation in the state’s Long Range Transportation Plan. After more than two years of work to promote the plan to media, stakeholders and communities around our state, “What Moves You Arizona” and the Arizona Department of Transportation have received the highest award for public relations programs and campaigns from the American Association of State … [Read more...] about ADOT Recognized for Long Range Planning
Shooting Range On Track for 2013 Opening
The Arizona Game and Fish Department is moving forward with plans to build a shooting range east of Flagstaff. Last year, the AZGFD purchased the 160 acre Foster Ranch near Walnut Canyon National Monument with the intention of developing a range. The department has been looking for a suitable location for a shooting facility for nearly 20 years. The location has drawn criticism from many Northern Arizona residents and several tribes who think building a shooting range next to a national … [Read more...] about Shooting Range On Track for 2013 Opening
Lean, Green, Exhaust-Fighting Machines
Automotive acronyms like 4x4, SUV and FWD readily roll off the tongues of most Northern Arizona consumers. But when a new generation of electric vehicles rolls off assembly lines later this year, auto aficionados will be speaking a new acronymic language. For instance, EV translates to electric vehicle. Simple enough. Add an H and get HEV -- short for hybrid electric vehicle, while PHV means plug-in hybrid vehicle. Both the Nissan LEAF and Chevrolet Volt are expected to be available for … [Read more...] about Lean, Green, Exhaust-Fighting Machines