If there’s a consistent and persistent feeling that could be used to describe the collective emotional state across the past two-and-a-half years, it’s stress! We’re meant to experience stress in the short-term, but given the state of the world, stress often becomes a long-term issue. And this long-term issue comes with consequences to our health, such as weakened immune systems, hormone disruption, hypertension, depression, anxiety, obesity, hair loss, psoriasis, eczema, reflux and irritable … [Read more...] about Identifying the Top Five Supplements to Help Handle Stress
Tips to Recover from Stress, Feeling Overwhelmed
I think we can all wholeheartedly agree that the last two years have been quite stressful. I see a lot of patients feeling very overwhelmed because of the strain. They are having trouble bouncing back and feeling like their normal selves. The truth is that stress will always be present in our lives, but it’s how we respond to the stress that matters in terms of our physical, mental and emotional health. I’d like to provide some tips to help recover from a prolonged period of stress that have … [Read more...] about Tips to Recover from Stress, Feeling Overwhelmed
How Stress Affects Hormone Health
We are all bombarded by the daily stresses of life. Some people are better at coping with stress than others. The body’s stress response is a normal process and is meant to help keep you away from harm. The adrenals are located on top of the kidneys and are a part of the endocrine system that is strongly influenced by stress. Cortisol, norepinephrine and epinephrine are produced by the adrenal glands. Cortisol is released in times of stress, promoting a fight or flight response that … [Read more...] about How Stress Affects Hormone Health
Acupuncture Restores Post-COVID Fatigue, Loss of Smell and Taste
Many people are aware of the hallmark symptom for COVID: loss of taste and smell. Researchers have found that the temporary loss of smell (anosmia) may be a better indicator of a COVID infection than other symptoms of fever, headache, body aches, cough, digestive upset or shortness of breath. It has been suggested that the olfactory nerve cells can be affected because of the swelling of surrounding nasal mucosa tissues and cells being inflamed by the viral replication process. One study showed … [Read more...] about Acupuncture Restores Post-COVID Fatigue, Loss of Smell and Taste
A Global Trail for Flagstaff Business Startups
Flagstaff attracts tourists from all over the world – and also businesspeople who have often traveled widely before setting up shop here. Folks like Alex Tan: A native-born Australian with a Chinese father, Tan was working in Sydney as a site engineer in high-rise construction when growing interest in Eastern approaches to health took him back to university. His four-year degree in Chinese Medicine in Australia concluded with a six-week internship in a Chinese hospital. Six weeks turned into 10 … [Read more...] about A Global Trail for Flagstaff Business Startups
Easing the Stress of the Times with Massage
The current events of our time – from politics to health concerns – can be stressful and exhausting. One of the best ways to quiet the mind and relax the body is through massage. Research shows that massage has numerous health benefits – and not just our physical health, but also our mental and emotional health as well. If we feel refreshed, we are able to function better in all of our roles. Massage Styles, Techniques Massage is not one-size-fits-all; rather, it is a personalized … [Read more...] about Easing the Stress of the Times with Massage
Accessible Happiness
For many months now, I’ve taken to heart the wisdom and findings of Harvard happiness researcher and author Shawn Achor and put into practice his simple advice. It appears a good time to share some of it, with happiness seemingly in short supply. During the pandemic, rates of anxiety and depression have dramatically increased, and 40% of Americans report struggling with a mental health condition (including anxiety, depression and trauma). Women are twice as likely to suffer than men in their … [Read more...] about Accessible Happiness
Seven Mindfulness Tips to Reduce Stress, Anxiety
Buddhist monks have been practicing meditation and mindfulness for centuries and more and more people are starting to use mindfulness daily to reduce stress and anxiety. Mindfulness and meditation practices can teach you how to be fully present in the moment. Practicing mindfulness during day-to-day activities can be very meditative. A simple act like washing the dishes, taking a walk in nature, gardening or daily chores can give you an opportunity to focus on being fully present and … [Read more...] about Seven Mindfulness Tips to Reduce Stress, Anxiety
Third COVID-19 Surge Stressing Healthcare Workers, Hospitals
As the number of COVID-19 patients rises in Northern and Central Arizona hospitals, Northern Arizona Healthcare officials say they are able to manage the situation for now, but that could change quickly. At the time of publication, Flagstaff Medical Center (FMC) is treating 34 COVID-19 patients with 12 cases pending and hospital capacity, including critical care capacity around 60%. Verde Valley Medical Center (VVMC) is reporting 22 COVID-19 patients, also with its capacity hovering at … [Read more...] about Third COVID-19 Surge Stressing Healthcare Workers, Hospitals
Easing the Stress of the Times with Massage
The current events of our time – from politics to health concerns – can be stressful and exhausting. One of the best ways to quiet the mind and relax the body is through massage. Research shows that massage has numerous health benefits – and not just our physical health, but also our mental and emotional health as well. If we feel refreshed, we are able to function better in all of our roles. Massage Styles & Techniques Massage is not one-size-fits-all; rather, it is a personalized … [Read more...] about Easing the Stress of the Times with Massage